
Showing posts from December, 2018

Daniel's Blog

My Weakly Blog Today was a busy day.Today I worked on labeling cards for companies facility's, once I had finished all of them I mail them and when I had finish all of them then I started on continuing on the excel list which was putting the schools name and addresses on the excel list.I didn't finish all of the excel list because it was a lot but I'm half way there.Now I am ending the day with my weekly blog with a wish you all Merry Christmas and Happy New Years and hope to see you guys next year,bye.

Lizbeth Morales 12/19/18

Today was good, although the morning went by a bit slow. I started off as usual getting the laptop from Sean and Ava, but they didn't have it. So, I tried other older laptops and they didn't work. I ended up using one of the extra computers by Steve and Alex and helped Osmara update the safety meeting notes. Then, the last thing I did was mailing lists on excel for Alex.

Jaquelin Roblero 12/18/2018

Today all I worked on were invoices and scans. It was a pretty boring day today but still managed to finish most of my work. But like always I start of my day with the invoices and mail them out, then Steve gave me scans to work on. The majority of my morning and whole afternoon were just on doing scans. Overall, today was a productive day.

Oscar Jimenez 12/7/18

I was all over the building today. First i started the off normally with scanning shippers. Then Sabrina asked me to do the mailers up at contracting. After that I helped Jeff in the Steel second floor with organizing some projects and blueprints. Lastly I folded up blueprints.

Emily Barajas 12/14/2018

Today and this week in General was really busy for me. Today though, I began by attaching files into SAP finally, since it would not let me before. I then filed many papers that Alex and Jim had given me. In the afternoon I worked on fifth third and organizing all the receipts for the expense logs.

Jaquelin Roblero 12/14/2018

Today when I got here like always I started of with invoices. When I was done with the invoices I mailed them out and started working on scans. I worked on scans for most of the day and after I finished with the scans Alex gave me mailers to do. Overall, today was a boring day.

Eric Perez 12/13/18

Eric Perez 12/13/18   Today was a normal day because I went to help make a lot of envelopes of Ideal Group that contain information about a contest that people can enter to win gift cards by making videos and posters that had to show how can we prevent accidents in our community. Also I went to help Steve to help make some invoices for Ideal Shield and mail them. Overall my day was very good because its almost Friday and tomorrow we can wear pajamas in school.

Daniel Blog

MY Weekly Blog Today Was kinda a busy day but it was great, I worked on labeling the address on a card that is for companies to protect their facility with Ideal shield protective guard rail, sign bases, bollard covers and hand rails.Once I finish all of them I mail them and later on move on to excel trying to finish all the New York high-schools but I didn't and then I did my vision statement and once I finish all of it I send it to Osmara Zarate and then ending my day with this weekly blog, so see everyone next week.     

Lizbeth Morales 12/12/2018

Today, I started filing invoices and made new files with labels for Sylvia. I helped Steve mail invoices and did some scans. I found pictures for Osmara to create a community booklet. Lastly, I created a word document and wrote down the community stats for 2018. Overall today went by fast, but I got a lot done.

Jaquelin Roblero 12/11/2018

Today I worked on invoices and scans. In the morning I worked on invoices and some scans and for the rest of the day I worked on scans. Today was a boring day but I finished everything Steve had for me to do. Overall it was a productive day.

Oscar Jimenez 12/10/18

Today was a normal day as I did the usual work of scanning shippers and folding shippers. I used the gym again today and I am glad as to how much and how good the equipment there is in the gym. Things have been stressful at school as the holidays are approaching and teachers are giving out big assignments.

Oscar JImenez 12/7/18

Today it was a standard day. I came in and started scanning the shippers which took most if the morning. During my lunch I started to use the gym. The equipment was great and I'm glad I went. After lunch I started folding blueprints that are to be sent to the customers.

Daniel Blog

 My weekly blog Today was a very busy day, Me and Eric Perez and Christian Perales were wrapping Mr. Vengas awards in bubble wrap and Christian was writing down what year was the award  from who it was for.Once he had finish all the awards we had to organize books and cards from each company and once we finish all of that I did some excel work on putting down the addresses from high-schools of New York I didn't finish them all but I did a quiet a lot, and now he we are ending with a weekly blog. 

Eric Perez 12-6-18

Eric Perez   12-6-18 Today I  began my day with putting papers everywhere in building A and B, so people can see what information they have.  Then I went to help Christian in putting the trophies on bubble paper so he can put them in a box. Also I checked the trophies and put what they had on them on a paper. Then I put information of the names and guests of people that are going to an event in Excel. The last two things that I did today was help with some scan's and invoices for Ideal Shield. I passed newspaper to all the people in building A before I could do my blog. Overall my day was good. 

12/5/18 Lizbeth Morales

Today while I organized the invoices I rechecked all the files. I wrapped and prepared presents for Sylvia. Later, I helped Osmara with preparing Ideal company folders and matching receipts. Overall my day went my fast. 

Emily Barajas 12/4/2018

Today was a productive day for me. Since it is the beginning of the month, I also began Fifth Third from the month before. I received the spreadsheet with all the expenses of the month and I then the information and formatted it better onto another spreadsheet. I stopped after a while because I finally got help with fixing my scan and attach for SAP. Once I got that fixed, I continued working on Novembers fifth Third which I finished around noon. In the Afternoon I attached all the documents I had from before.

Jaquelin Roblero 12/4/2018

Today I worked on invoices and scans. As soon as I go here Alex handed me invoices and envelopes. After I finished mailing those invoices out Steve handed me more invoices to ail out and so I did. For the majority of the morning and afternoon I went over some scans that Steve needed me to go over to make sure they were in their files and the ones that weren't in the files had to me scanned and put in their files. The last few hours I worked on scans. Overall, today was a productive day.