4/27/15 by Richard Zarate
Today I sat in the Accounting Office because Osmara worked today. I checked my email and grab some scans to do. I scanned them to myself and I had to use Osmara's computer to split the scans into single sheets. After I scanned them, Alex sent me a mailer to do so I worked on it. While I was working, Virginia asked if I can help her with the scans because she had too much on her desk. So I saved them onto the network and on Sugar. I grab another stack and only got to scan it to myself. After I scanned the papers, it was time for lunch. I had lunch with my sister. After lunch, Osmara asked if I could help her with some receipts. I had to highlight the card number, location, amount, and date. After I finished, I organized them from oldest to newest. I went back to work on the scans, I saved them to the network and to sugar. After I finished, I continued to work on the mailer. I stopped around 4:20 pm. I went to wait at the lobby and then Amanda asked if I did my blog, I compl...