4/14/15 by Richard Zarate
Today was my first day back from Spring Break. I sat at my desk and checked my email. I asked Virginia for some scans and she told me she was doing some right now and she was going to bring them to me when she finished. I did a mailer that Alex left me during my break. While I was working, I helped some visitors to get to their destination and I fed and cleaned Frank's fish tank. While I was working, Virginia came to drop off the scans. I scanned the scans to myself and then I split the pages. I put each scan on the network and then it was time for lunch.
After lunch, I continued working on the scans. Now I had to save the scans on Sugar. It took a while to finish. After I finished, I mailed some letters for Sylvia. After I mailed the letters, I went upstairs and asked Maria for some work. They didn't have anything for me to do. She asked if I just could put some papers away. After I finished, I went downstairs and worked on the mailer.
Last week on Friday, the Kinematic Wolves, went to Grand Rapids. Since we won Rookie All Star award, we had a chance to win the All Star award in the First Robotic State Championship. We left for Grand Rapids on Friday and got there around noon. We went to the Deltaplex to check out the competition. Later that day, we presented our presentation. We stayed there for about an hour and went to our hotel. The hotel was fun and great. The next day we went to Aquinas College. We had a tour around the campus. We went to a museum and to the river walk that was next to it. We went back to the competition, Sadly we didn't win but we had a great time.
After lunch, I continued working on the scans. Now I had to save the scans on Sugar. It took a while to finish. After I finished, I mailed some letters for Sylvia. After I mailed the letters, I went upstairs and asked Maria for some work. They didn't have anything for me to do. She asked if I just could put some papers away. After I finished, I went downstairs and worked on the mailer.
Last week on Friday, the Kinematic Wolves, went to Grand Rapids. Since we won Rookie All Star award, we had a chance to win the All Star award in the First Robotic State Championship. We left for Grand Rapids on Friday and got there around noon. We went to the Deltaplex to check out the competition. Later that day, we presented our presentation. We stayed there for about an hour and went to our hotel. The hotel was fun and great. The next day we went to Aquinas College. We had a tour around the campus. We went to a museum and to the river walk that was next to it. We went back to the competition, Sadly we didn't win but we had a great time.
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