
Showing posts from September, 2016

Enrique Cordero 9/30/16

          Today was a very casual day with the assembly of my chair. In the morning I came in to see that my supervisor, Sean, was not here. I then proceeded to call him and ask him if he needed anything done in the office. He then told me to move his stuff into his new office and that he had room for an intern to sit at his desk. He then said that I was missing one thing, and that was a chair. He said that there was a chair waiting for me in the lair, the storage room. After the exciting assembly I was done with everything Sean needed me to do so I proceeded to do some nostalgic scans I had not done in a while. Thus, these scans ended my day.           The most challenging subjects that I have been faced with this year have either been government, speech, or advanced placement environmental science. These classes, I have felt, have sometimes overloaded me with independent work that...

9/30/16 - Santino Lopez

Toughest Subject In school, so far, no subject is really that hard. But the one that I think will give me the most trouble will be Algebra. I get the concept on the day it's taught and for a few weeks after, but it never really sticks permanently unless I really study it. In the past I've been able to pass Math classes with As or Bs so i think I'm secure for now. Ms. Gudino is a nice teacher and really likes to help out students. She's also funny sometimes and I can tell she just wants us to have an easy class this year.

Jose Sandoval 9/28/16

Hi what I did today was staple four papers for the safety meeting which took me a while, then  I went to building C to get two cases of water bottles and I brought them back to my building. After that I went to the internet and searched up about DPS schools receiving threats, the security guards are going to be more alert. Next I went to a Gym Lunch and Learn which was cool, the trainer showed us some workout moves and I also won a water bottle from answering a question, If I want to go to the gym I have to sign a waiver and talk to the school, which I really want to do. Then I went to the Safety meeting which was cool and It was my first meeting. The subject that Is the hardest for me Is biology I am not good at It and I think I know why because their is to much memorization in It.

9/28/16 - Idalid Hernandez

    The subject so far that I seem to be having a challenge with is Biology. Biology isn't really my thing and I seem to have trouble with it. At times I seem to get it, but then at times I seem to be confused with it. I thought at first that Biology would be an easy class, but then I see that it isn't so easy as I thought it would be. Even though it's a challenge right now, I'm hoping in the future I can understand it better then before.

9/23/16 Enrique Cordero

              Today was a day of exploring new things. in the morning I came in and helped Santino get situated. They, I went to Sean so he could give me work for the day. He told me the he had a couple projects for me to work on- some of which I had never done. He wanted me to focus on the "KnowBe4" website to help with company security and safety. Although I needed help with navigating through the website, Sean helped me. He had make a couple list of people who need to take their security training. After that I had lunch and relaxed. When lunch ended Sean want me to think of ways to help out with Frank's new invention. We talked around to find parts and thin of ideas to improve the invention. After that he explained the complications in a bit more detail and set me free to do my blog.               The real me is a person of h...


Santino Lopez I'd say I'm pretty shy around strangers and new places, but once I get adjusted to the environment I feel pretty at ease. I do like seeing new faces and meeting new people though. I like to listen to big band and old rock. Even though I'm mostly Hispanic, I cannot speak Spanish :p My Hobbies Include Running  Playing Video Games Riding my bike  Listening to music Some things about my family I have 9 siblings, 7 brothers and 2 sisters My Mom is Mexican, while my Dad is Puerto Rican  Most of my siblings are already grown up

09/16/16 Enrique Cordero

          This past Friday I helped out my build center during GM cares week. I first came to my workplace with the mindset of working in the gardens but, to my pleasant surprise, Sylvia told me I was going to the DHDC, the Detroit Hispanic Develop Corporation. I was eager to go to the DHDC because It has become like a second home where I can improve and an engineer level.           We started off by clearing all the garbage and making sure that the DHDC save what was only valuable. We decided to rearrange the layout of the DHDC to have a more organized space for everyone who goes to the DHDC. We have made the robotics pits much more organized and easy to move around in. At the end of the day we had remolded the facility to be more suitable for its S.T.E.A.M. related extracurriculars. I am glad I was able to be there to show my appreciation for the building and to have picked out which pit my...

All about me

 Hello, my name is Idalid Hernandez and I am 14 years old. Something I like to do is listen to music and skateboard. I have two younger siblings, one is 13 and the other is 11. I like to be outgoing and hangout with my friends. I like playing sports for fun, even if I suck at them. I am shy when meeting new people but I still try my best to make new friends. I would like to travel a lot in the future and try things I never did before like bungee jumping.

Jose Sandoval 9/21/2016

Hi I am Jose Sandoval and what I did today was called Magazine companies so I could renew Frank Venegas's subscriptions. Next,I updated Safety Meeting Notes. During the day, I went to Scarcyny Park to check out the accident. A person ran over a sign with a truck, Jose Q picked up the damage that was left. My last task was to open some letters and organized them alphabetically, I also learned more about the Chevy Volt. Today was a good day and I had fun coming to work can't wait to come back and get to work.
Oscar Jimenez 9/20/2016 About Me        Some of my interest are drawing, playing the guitar, and printing t-shirts are what I like to do in my pastime. The sports that I like to play are cross country, track, soccer, and tennis. I am Mexican and was born and raised in Detroit . 

Jose Sandoval 9/9/16

Hi I'm Jose Luis Sandoval Corral, what I like to do is play my video game which is Black Ops 3 and I  like to play basketball which is my favorite sport. I also like to swim, hang out with my friends and family. During the summer my two cousins moved to Detroit and one is in 4th grade and the other is in 8th grade. I have two sisters one is in kindergarten and the other is in Texas. My aunt lives close to us right in front of us, we have three dogs, two are pit bulls and one is a beagle. 

My 2nd day - Santino Lopez

My 2nd Day At Ideal Santino Lopez On my second day at Ideal, I felt a lot more comfortable here. After being here the 2 times before, I can recognize where to go mostly. I met Steve, who's a pretty neat guy, did filing for him. It was also Greg's 20th anniversary at Ideal, congrats to him. They threw him a small part with cake and a speech from Mr. Venega. They even showed him a large plaque of when he worked here a long time ago. Mr.Venega had full black hair back then! Anyways it went pretty smoothly, I think I'm gonna enjoy it here.
My First Day At Ideal Santino Lopez My first day at Ideal went pretty well. Once I entered the office everyone there seemed nice, there was a friendly atmosphere that welcomed me in. The Senior I work with, Enrique, showed me to my work place and what I would be doing, which was fairly simple, more or less filing. He was very helpful and understood when I made a mistake and just helped me correct it. After showing me the ropes I did my work pretty easily, I got through a good chunk of it. I also met my supervisor, Chris. Can't exactly remember his last name, slipped my mind, whoops. He's a very great man, but extremely busy. I attempted to talk to him many times but every time I tried, he was always in a meeting! Once I got a chance to talk to him, he told me it was nearly impossible to just wait to talk to him. You had to go up and ask to talk to him yourself. All in all, the day went pretty well, albeit a bit slow. Great first day though, more days to come!

Enrique 9/9/16

          Today I started to work more in IT while training a new intern, Sonny. In the morning when the new intern and I came in, I showed him an in depth background of where we is going to work and what he is going to do. I started him off by showing him how to do scans. This was a long process but the newcomer caught on fast. We did several small stacks of PO's together until I knew that he would be fine alone. After this I told him what he could do later on and what Ideal can offer him if he is a phenomenal worker. Sonny was enthusiastic to learn and I'm sure he will be a fine worker. Later in the day I installed Microsoft Office 365 on a couple of peoples' computers, became an IT Admin, and receive a couple supplies ready for robotics water catchment system build on Sunday. Finally I ended my day with my blog, vision statement, mission statement, and cover page.

Jose Sandoval September 7 2016

Hello my name is Jose Sandoval and I'm a freshman at Detroit Cristo Rey. I started my day by getting  dropped off and ready to work but i was in the wrong building so i asked where building B was and i found them, I saw my supervisors and asked them what will i do today. I made a schedule for me and others and i researched Sam Simon which he was an interesting guy, I took notes on the most important things that happened in his life like one was he had a foundation for animals. I also printed out papers and put another paper on top. I also did a slide show about what i like to do, my favorite things. Today I learned a lot and I had fun with my job and I met new people, I cant wait to come next week and see what I can learn and accomplish.

Idalid Hernandez September 7, 2016

   Hello, my name is Idalid Hernandez and I'm a freshman at Detroit Cristo Rey. I'll be working in marketing at Ideal. Well, today was my first day working and I could say it went pretty well. I met new workers and met one of my supervisors, Rossie. Rossie was super cool person to meet even tho she had s meeting but hopefully it went great for her. On my first day I had to put addressing stickers on poster cards . Rossie told me it was to send it to companies all over the world. ( Just the United States.) While I was putting the stickers I started to get hungry and lunch wasn't till 12. When it got to 12 I went and bought something from the vending machine. I went to the kitchen and took a break for about 30 minutes, it was nice to move after sitting for 4 hours. After my lunch break I had to go back to work. It took me almost all day to finish putting the addressing stickers on the post cards because there were about 1000 post cards. Finally, I was done and asked Rossie if...

Angel Jaramillo

Today is the day I go to work and actually do some work. I woke up very early today because I was excited I woke up at around 4 because I couldn’t sleep. As soon as I got to the school I was ready to come to Ideal but I was hoping it wasn’t going to be boring. I was getting ready to get on the bus that took us to work and I grabbed my headphones out my bag to get in my zone even though Ideal is right down the street. I walked in with Oscar who also works at Ideal and we check in with Pat. Oscar then took me to my work place and I talked to my co-worker who gave me work right away. She had me file some papers which was easy and I really had a good time here. Hopefully my days are as good as this one.