My First Day At Ideal
Santino Lopez
My first day at Ideal went pretty well. Once I entered the office everyone there seemed nice, there was a friendly atmosphere that welcomed me in. The Senior I work with, Enrique, showed me to my work place and what I would be doing, which was fairly simple, more or less filing. He was very helpful and understood when I made a mistake and just helped me correct it. After showing me the ropes I did my work pretty easily, I got through a good chunk of it. I also met my supervisor, Chris. Can't exactly remember his last name, slipped my mind, whoops. He's a very great man, but extremely busy. I attempted to talk to him many times but every time I tried, he was always in a meeting! Once I got a chance to talk to him, he told me it was nearly impossible to just wait to talk to him. You had to go up and ask to talk to him yourself. All in all, the day went pretty well, albeit a bit slow. Great first day though, more days to come!


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