
Showing posts from October, 2017

Emily Barajas 10/31/17

Today was an interesting day since it is Halloween. I started off by mailing birthday cards which I do every week. After, I scanned some files that Yesi gave me to be put into the computer. Then I had to file many papers. At noon I went to go change into a team costume and we were all stick figures. There was many other costumes from other groups that were funny also. After all the costumes and pictures I went back to scanning papers for the rest of the day.

Alexander Ramirez10-31-17

What i did today was to see if files are in the right spots and checked them if they were even their to begin with, i had to do every cabinet (Group,shield,steal etc.) it was kinda fun just looking for them. Thats what i basically did all day was just checking. Oh also me and Jose went upstairs to watch the mini contest with costumes, i really enjoyed the dwarfs.

Jose Sandoval 10/31/2017

Once I got to Ideal, I went to Steve again and grabbed all the invoices, there wasn't that many, last week their was a whole bunch. Steve gave me some PO'S and I would look up the number and put them in a separate folder. After those I went to Melanie and she gave me some picking sheets to arrange and then later to put I'm. Once I arranged them Melanie gave me a whole bunch of them to put in Sugar, I wasn't able to finish them but next week I'll try harder to finish them.

Jose Sandoval 10/24/2017

Once I got to Ideal, I started to go to Steve and I grabbed a handful of Invoices which took me a while to do. After that Steve sent me some Picking sheets and it took me about a hour. Then Melanie gave me some Picking sheets to arrange also, after arranging I can put the numbers into Sugar and after finishing those I can put them in a separate room in case we ever need them.


Today as soon as I got to Ideal I feed the fish, then went to building C to help Pat. We cleaned the stage in building C and picked up anything that did not belong there. After we dropped everything off at building A, I went over to the marketing department to help out Alex. From a list of states she gave me I had to find information on specific locations. Once I had the information I had to copy and paste it into an excel sheet. Overall my day went by fast.


Today what i did was in the morning i had to file four big stacks of paper because Julie and Kayla had to go to end of the month meeting, after doing about 2 hours of filing, pat called me and Jose to help  her with setting up tables and put chairs in for this big event thats going to happen tonight. When me and jose walked back to our building and worked. After lunch i had to finish the left overs of the stacks that i was doing earlier and when i was done i had organize some papers. Today was really productive!

Emily Barajas 10/24/17

When I got to work the first thing I did was mail birthday cards like every other day. After that Alex asked if I can put different file folders in alphabetical order. When I finished that Yesi asked if I can file some papers for her. In the afternoon I started writing more birthday cards for the month of November. Last, I went to building C to help decorate for the event they were having.


Today I came in and started working on the shippers. I scanned them and put them in their file. After I finished that I started working on naming the architectural files and there was a lot. I did the same with the structural files. After that I updated the job classification list with more job descriptions. today was fairly busy and went by pretty fast.


This week I started off helping Alex with mailers. For the mailers I had to get 7 different cut sheets and stuff them into an envelope to prepared them to get labeled. In total I arranged around 250 envelopes. Once I finished organizing the mailers I continued with the excel spreedsheet from last week. I inserted names, phone numbers, and addresses of different companies. On Wednesday I helped Sara from Southwest Environmental Vision with the gardens. I worked along with some Detroit Zoo and Quicken Loans volunteers. We went on a garbage sweep, collected all the left over vegetables, and then threw the rest of the plants to compost. 


Today i did was during the morning i had to file paid bills into certain cabinets and after i was done filing all that, i sat down all day and had to find out the track numbers for a couple of stacks and also print out p.o.'s. In the last of couple minutes i had to help out Jose move some boxes that a principal of a school is going to pick up tomorrow. Pretty productive today! 

Emily barajas 10/17/17

Today I did a lot of filing. All morning I was filing papers that Alex had given me. In the afternoon I had to create new folders so they could also be put into the filing cabinets. Once I finished all the filing I then wrote and mailed birthday cards like usual. Last Yesi asked me to scan a few papers she had.


Today I worked on a project which was to clean up a job classification document. It was 8 different jobs that I had to type up and make it sound more concise. This took me all of the day. Sylvia gave me tacos for lunch which was great and I'm grateful.


Today I got to help out Alex Santori make an excel sheet and send out mailers. I completed about 100 mailers. For each mailer I had to stuff the an envelope with eight different cut sheets, glue, and label it. With the excel sheet I made a list of Ferguson's locations for future mailers. I would say that overall my day was very productive.

Emily Barajas 10/10/17

Today what I did was mostly scan different papers so it can be moved to my computer. I also got to mail more birthday cards like usual. That was all I did today.


What i did was mostly all day sit down and find out if our deliveries got delivered or still in transit. After done doing the tracking, i had to print out a whole bunch of PO's and then staple them on the tracked papers and still in transit papers. when done doing all that my last job was to take out papers out of mail and stamp them. Today was actually productive and fun. I didn't get to do any filing today so.

Jose Sandoval 10/10/2017

When I came on Monday, I grabbed the handful of invoices that was left for me from Steve, I didn't get to finish them at the moment because I went with Linda to help out Emily with some boxes and to clean a closet with with some junk. It took us till lunch time, right after lunch I went to my desk and I started to finish of the invoices one by one. Around 3 o'clock I asked Melanie if I could arrange some the piles that she had, it took me till  4 and I started to get ready to go. It's tuesday now, I started off by doing my blogs that I haven't done the past weeks, I have been having problems with getting in. I went to Steve's desk and I grabbed the invoices that he had for me. After that I went to Melanie and asked her if I needed to arrange any PO's for her and she did.

Jose Sandoval 10/3/2017

Once my driver dropped me off, I started unpacking and putting my food in the fridge. Once I was settled I went to Steve's desk and I grabbed all the invoices that I needed to do for the day. It took me about an hour to finish all of the invoices and to put them through the mailing machine. I put all of the invoices in the basket, I went to Melanie after and asked her if there is anything that I can do. She logged me on to Sugar and I started to link PO's onto the application. Once it's been a while she switches me to a different way so I don't get bored as much when I am doing them. Today went by quick and I had a good day at work, can't wait to come back and work even harder next week!

Jose Sandoval 9/26/2017

Today was a good day, I started off the day with some invoices again, took me a while because I usually always have a big pile. After the invoices, I asked Melanie if I could arrange the PO's into 1,2,3 after that I scanned them into the machine and emailed it to her. I then put them in a closet. Then I went to Steve and he emailed me some scans to do, I finished off my day by helping him with his work.

Emily Barajas 10/09/17

Today I worked with Linda in organizing the big closet. Jose, Alexander, and I had to take all the things out and also organize them when putting them back which pretty much took all day since there was a lot of boxes to go through. I also had to label each cabinet that I had organized. Overall today was go really busy day.


Today was horrible for me, i messed up with the files. I put most of  them in the wrong cabinet causing Julie and Kayla to organizing the wrong ones. I felt really bad that they had to fix my mistakes. In the middle of the day, i was asked to help Emily to sort out some dusty frames into a small closet and move a couple things. That's what i did all day just kinda sort out files and help with the closet. Overall today was okay and ill do better tomorrow!

Christian Perales

Today was a good day, the somewhat usual routine in a place that always has something going on. There is always something to do at Ideal, which is a good thing if you come ready to work and learn about the company. Working with Ideal Steel is a great experience for me because I get to learn how some of the most massive structures are built, and how all the little components that go into them are just as important. Everything in the business serves a purpose; therefore, you cannot have the same workflow if one thing or another is changed or if someone decides that the small job is not worth their time.              Working here not only prepares me for the future job I will have, but it also prepares me to become a better person for the future. There are many lessons to learn while at work, and learning them early on helps me create a better future for myself.


Today I finished a flyer for Green Halloween asking for volunteers and donations. I also fed Frank's fish. Then I called magazine companies to check up on Ideal's subscription status. I organized and folded Ideal hoodies. My last task was to put up flyers in all around A,B, and C buildings for Green Halloween. Overall my day was productive.


 What i did today was organize some paid bills and after that Kayla gave me another bunch but they were all open so i took me a minute to understand and put them in in the right cabinet file. The filing took around 4 hours to do. Ill work on being much faster so i can do other new actives. when i was done with lunch, i had to print out papers stating that the package was delivered but later on at the end of the work day Julie told me what i forgot and did wrong. I forgot to print out the receipts of the orders. So next time ill remember to do them. Today was very productive!!    

Emily Barajas 10/03/17

Today was also a very productive day. When I got to the building I went to the kitchen where they were having their breakfast fun raiser. When I finished eating, I went and worked with Linda mostly all day. The first thing we did was move some paperwork and other random things to different cabinets so the can be organized and have more space. The next thing I did was shred a lot of papers. After, I labeled all the cabinets. When I finished all my work with Linda, the last thing I did was mail a few birthday cards.