Jose Sandoval 10/10/2017

When I came on Monday, I grabbed the handful of invoices that was left for me from Steve, I didn't get to finish them at the moment because I went with Linda to help out Emily with some boxes and to clean a closet with with some junk. It took us till lunch time, right after lunch I went to my desk and I started to finish of the invoices one by one. Around 3 o'clock I asked Melanie if I could arrange some the piles that she had, it took me till  4 and I started to get ready to go. It's tuesday now, I started off by doing my blogs that I haven't done the past weeks, I have been having problems with getting in. I went to Steve's desk and I grabbed the invoices that he had for me. After that I went to Melanie and asked her if I needed to arrange any PO's for her and she did.


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