
Showing posts from January, 2018

Lizbeth Morales 1/31/18

This week what I mostly did was work on receipts. I had to find missing ones from a list that Pat gave me. After I went back to Frank's Amazon Orders from 2017 and entered in the data on an excel sheet. The last project I worked on was updating the Ideal Intern's board.

Alexander Ramirez 01/30/18

Today was slow and easy.In the morning Julie gave me the assignment to file 6 stacks of  paid invoices into the file cabinets where we organize them all at.That assignment only took me 30 minutes to do. Kayla gave me checks and my assignment was to staple them onto open invoices from the Dundee file cabinet and then put the paid invoices into the paid section of the cabinet. Took me around an hour to do. Once I was done with that Kayla said she had a project for me to do. She gave me a piece of paper with companies and their vendor names.The project was for me to search up vendor names on sage and see if we had 2018 paid invoices. Some companies did and some not. After knowing what companies had 2018 paid invoices, I had to get up and go to the file cabinet labeled "Ideal Shield" and see if the 2018 paid invoices had matched up with the Net terms that they were supposed to have. That project took me the whole day to do.The last assignment I was given was to open envelopes and...

Jose Sandoval 1/30/2018

Once I settled down, I went to Steve's desk and grabbed some invoices. After that he handed me some more to do, then Steve gave me scans to do after words. Then Mel gave me some scans to do and I did that for the rest of the day on Sugar.

Lizbeth Morales 1/23/18

Most of the day today, I worked on the preparing invitations for Yesenia's baby shower. I cut out the invitations and the registry cards. Then printed address labels and return labels for the envelopes. Once I finished them, I placed all the invitations  in envelopes and sent them out. Afterwards Osmara logged me on to Amazon to print all of Frank's Amazon orders from the year 2017.

Alexander Ramirez 1/23/18

Today was pretty easy. In the morning Kayla gave an assignment. The assignment was to put checks inside some envelopes and take them to the stamping machine. That only took an hour to do. Julie gave me the next assignment and that was to file paid invoices into certain file cabinets I did  at least 5 stacks of them. That assignment took about an hour. Once I was done with that, Kayla gave me checks for Dundee and Toledo. I was suppose to find open invoices and staple them on to these checks if there company names were on them. I had 30 minutes till my lunch break so Kayla gave me 3 stacks of invoices that needed mostly drop ships,tracking,and PO numbers. I did a bit before my lunch break. When I was done with my lunch break I headed back to accounting. That assignment Kayla gave me before my lunch break took me the rest of the day to do. What took me so long was that I went over them a bunch times and found some that I missed. Overall, today was productive!!!

Emily Barajas 1/23/17

   Today was an easy day. The first thing I did was finish the American Express excel sheet from last week. When I finished, I organized all of the papers that went with them and put them on Alex's desk. When I finished I filed a bunch of papers. In the afternoon I started making folders for new hires and organized their papers where they went. Last, I labeled two folders for Yesi.

Jose Sandoval 1/23/2018

Once I put all my things away, I headed for Steve's desk and I grabbed the invoices that he leaves for me in the morning. After I finished the invoices, he gave me some scans to do and I didn't stop doing them till around 11. After that I went to Mel and she gave me some other scans to do on Sugar (Website) and I finished them around 12. Then I went to ask Steve for some more work but he ran out but he found someone else and she gave me post cards to mail out and I finished around 3 o'clock, last thing I did was my blog.

Lizbeth Morales 1/17/18

I started off today finishing tasks that Sylvia had left for me last week. Such as filing invoices, alphabetically from the years 2016 and 2017. I made a new folder for the 2018 new invoices and made labels for all of the folders. After that I updated Frank's Amazon orders in an Excel spreadsheet. Later I helped Enrique organize and file scans, by order number and type of document. Overall I would say today was pretty cool because I got to learn how to make labels using different websites and how to file scans.

Alexander Ramirez 01-16-18

Today was simple.In the morning Julie gave me the assignment to print out PO's and delivery receipts for 3 stacks of invoices that needed them. That only took around half of the morning to do. Kayla gave me assignment to match up the invoices PO number with the emailed invoices that had the same PO number but with the tracking numbers and print out the delivery receipts and the drop ships. Once I had the tracking numbers written down I started to print out everything i needed. That assignment took the rest of the morning and it was time for my lunch break. I headed back to accounting and asked Kayla if she needed me to do anything else but she didn't have anything for me so she asked Trevor. Trevor gave me sheets of invoices that needed to be scanned. After scanning he gave me a long assignment. It was to go to my email and view some PDFs and save them by their customer numbers into the 2018 Ideal Steel files.  That assignment took the whole day. Overall,today was awesome!!

Emily Barajas 1/16/17

Today was a pretty easy day. I started off by mailing birthday cards like I do every week. After, Alex gave me some American Express papers so I can organize them. after I scanned a few papers into the computer. I also created folders and filed them into a cabinet. Last Alex showed me a new thing I will start to do which is filling out the American express information on excel.

Jose Sandoval 1/16/2018

Today went by fast, one I was at my chair I grabbed some invoices that were left from last week. After I finished them, I saw some more and put those in the machine so that they can be mailed. After the invoices I got some papers from Mel so I can rearrange them and after that I put them in a folder on Sugar, I also got some from Steve but I didn't need to use sugar since his are made differently.

Lizbeth Morales 1/10/18

This morning, as soon as I walked into the building, I fed Frank's fish and made sure they weren't dead. I checked with Osmara if she had any work for me. She sent me an excel sheet to fill out with names of machines from the Ideal Steel and Shield shops and their numbers. Once I got done, I organized receipts with their card numbers and dates, also updated Frank's amazon orders. Later, Sylvia had me organize paid orders from 2017, alphabetically and by date. Overall my day went by really fast.

Alexander Ramirez 01-9-18

Today was pretty alright. In the morning I had a rough start, Kayla gave me the assignment to rip off 2/3 thirds of stapled checks on the paid invoices but I didn't listen and only took 1/3 of the checks off so I went back to Kayla and she explained it one more time but I did not listen again and took off all the checks. I fixed my mistakes and finally was done with the assignment only taking me half of the morning. My next assignment was to file 4 stacks of open invoices into certain cabinets and certain vendors. It took me around 2 hours and my lunch break started. Once I was done with my lunch break I headed back to accounting. Kayla gave me the assignment to find open invoices in the Dundee and Toledo cabinets and staple a check on them. When I was done, there wasn't that much time left so she gave me one more assignment. It was to print out Drop Ships and find out the tracking numbers for the open invoices for ideal shield. Overall today was productive!!

Jose Sandoval 1/9/2018

Today went by fast, I started off by doing scans. After that I asked Melanie for some papers if I could arrange any. After that I went to Steve and gave me some invoices.

Emily Barajas 1/9/18

           Today was a good day back from break. I started the morning of by printing off American Express papers, and also organizing all the receipts. Once I finished, I filed a lot of papers that had been collected during the time I wasn't here. In the afternoon I scanned a few papers so the can be put into the computer. Then I started with January's birthday cards and started mailing a few in. Last I filed a few more papers. One thing I really liked about today is that I finally got my own cubicle. That was really nice to have starting the new year.

Christian Perales 1/8/2018

Today was my first day at Ideal in 2018 because of a snow day on Friday the 5th. I was happy to be back because I enjoy working with the Ideal Steel team. In the morning I caught up on scans and got everything updated that I missed over my break. After all of that was done I worked with Joe on how to do Estimates. Joe gave me a mini lesson on how to enter the numbers and soon after I had my first project. In the afternoon, Joe and I went over the estimates I made and corrected a few things. I am excited to do more in the future because it is exciting to learn new jobs and it helps give me more work experience.

Lizbeth Morales 1/3/18

Today I completed many things. The first thing I did was update Frank's amazon orders. I later helped Osmara bring out all the toys from Frank's office as they were getting donated. I then helped Alex complete the excel sheet she gave me. Lastly I organized receipts and put folders back into their files.