Alexander Ramirez 01-16-18

Today was simple.In the morning Julie gave me the assignment to print out PO's and delivery receipts for 3 stacks of invoices that needed them. That only took around half of the morning to do. Kayla gave me assignment to match up the invoices PO number with the emailed invoices that had the same PO number but with the tracking numbers and print out the delivery receipts and the drop ships. Once I had the tracking numbers written down I started to print out everything i needed. That assignment took the rest of the morning and it was time for my lunch break. I headed back to accounting and asked Kayla if she needed me to do anything else but she didn't have anything for me so she asked Trevor. Trevor gave me sheets of invoices that needed to be scanned. After scanning he gave me a long assignment. It was to go to my email and view some PDFs and save them by their customer numbers into the 2018 Ideal Steel files.  That assignment took the whole day. Overall,today was awesome!!


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