
Showing posts from February, 2020

Jose Mendez

 In the morning I was tasked with folding some drawings for the steel guys downstairs and scanning papers. I also used Sage to find the check number for invoices and write them down on the invoice along with the date. After scanning those I went upstairs where I began to file papers. I worked on filing for the rest of the afternoon. Today was pretty slow but still fun.

Lizbeth Morales 2/25/2020

Today I mainly stuffed and mailed envelopes. I mailed over 1,000 envelopes to businesses that are going to attend a trade show. I lastly laminated posters for Alex.

Jaquelin Roblero 2/24/2020

Today was a productive day. In the morning I ordered fruit and after that I went to Kyle to get some invoices and scans. As the fruit came in I dispersed them between admin, shield and contracting. The scans took me all the way to the end of my day.

Jose Mendez

Today in the morning I went through quotes in a job and made sure they were accessible. I wrote down the ones that displayed errors then showed them to Carl who showed me how to fix the issue. After that I scanned some papers, labeled drawings, and filed invoices. Today went by relatively quickly and I had fun.

Eric Perez 2/19/2020

Today was good day at Ideal. First, I started in doing some scans. I did around two hundred scans that needed to be filed in the system for people to look after. This will give people to see the document electronically. Then I mailed some invoices from the Ideal Shield Company.

Daniel's Weekly Blog

My Weekly Blog  Today at Ideal group was a very great day. I started my morning by typing in receipts in the amex excel sheet. Later on I translated a paper from Holy Redeemer into Spanish which I loved to do; the paper was about the school being Eco-Green. I also translated instructions in Spanish for cleaning areas. Once I was finish translating I made myself a resume which was a bit stressful but I'm so glad I was told to do this so it could help me in the future and I give the thanks to Osmara Zarate.

Lizbeth Morales 2/17/2020

Today was a normal day for me. I started off preparing envelopes with labels, I continued on working on the excel sheet from last week, and I sent out mailers. Overall my day went by fast.

Jose Mendez

Today I mostly worked with the steel guys downstairs. I folded 4 sets of drawings and labeled them. I wrote down check numbers for some invoices and then scanned them. I also scanned different invoices. After lunch I filed invoices into folders upstairs.

Daniel's Weekly Blog

My Weekly Blog  Today at Ideal Group was a slow day. I started my day updating Mr. Venegas excel list, and creating a second worksheet for protections that Mr. Venegas bought for the products he bought. Later on I helped Carl Okalski  organize drawings of the work that he and other company's have been working on.  

Eric Perez 2/12/2020

Today in the Ideal Group I did two things today. First I mailed some invoices for Steve Snyder. Then for the rest of the day I more than three hundred scans that needed to file in the system. :) 

Jaquelin Roblero 2/10/2020

As usual, I came in and ordered fruit for building A. Today I helped out Osmara with clearing out the Safety Meetings folder. There was a lot of papers that needed to be scanned in and I also had to put the papers with their right month because they were all mixed up. It was a lot of work but I managed to scan the missing papers in and organize the 2019 papers. I recycled the papers from past years and it's plural because there was a few papers from 2014/ 2015 in that folder that needed to be scanned in. Today I also worked on my resume for my binder of success. Overall, today was a productive day.


Today was a really busy day since I just got back from my vacation. There was lots of filing for me to do which is what I worked on mostly all morning and some of the afternoon. In the morning I filed invoices that had been piling up. After my break I worked on creating new folders both for employees and bi-weekly employees. and the rest of the day filing in Jasmine and Yesi's room.

Jose Mendez

My first task was to make sure there were 20 jerseys for the hockey team. After that I scanned invoices for the steel guys downstairs and wrote down the check numbers on invoices using Sage. I also scanned those papers. I then went upstairs and stapled a drawing set for Jeff. I worked on the invoice log spreadsheet the entire afternoon.

Daniel's Weekly Blog

My Weekly Blog Today at Ideal Group was a great day. I began my day by typing in the receipts that Osmara Zarate gave me. Later on I did some organizing with Sylvia Gucken folders. I updated Frank Venegas excel list.  

Eric Perez 2-5-2020

Today in Ideal I did a lot of work but I was only one task. The thing is that I did is scanning over than four hundred today with the filing app that makes it more easy and faster to work with. 

Lizbeth Morales 02/04/20

Today I started my day by asking Ava for help, because my computer was not working. Once I got into it, I started working on a new mailing list on Excel. I took a break and sent out customized mailers. I then went with Pat and Osmara to get lunch . Lastly, I continued to work on the Excel mailing list.

Jaquelin Roblero 2/3/2020

Today was a pretty relaxed but productive day. As usual I ordered fruit and distributed it to admin, shield's main area, and contracting. When I finished Steve gave me invoices to work on which took me to the end of the day.