November 29, 2011

Despite thee ugliness outside, work was pretty good. I started my day off checking my e-mail and making sure I finished everything from yesterday. Sylvia and I sorted some of Frank's things in his office. Were getting close to finishing it, just a couple of more organizing. Hopefully by tomorrow his office is all clean and nice. After lunch I sorted the mail and stamped the invoices. Did some research and completed some task. Thee only thing really left is finishing Loren's expense report.....Other than that I completed my task for the day and will be returning tomorrow. Tomorrow, is going to be a finishing up day, because we have to finish Frank's room and I have to finish Loren's expenses. Hopefully it's not as ugly outside, they say it's suppose to snow tonight, light flurries. Back to work...I don't believe I learned a new task today.....but my day could have gone better if I have worn a shirt with more sleeves. Ugh.! I HATE THE WINTER.


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