December 1, 2011

Today was a good and productive day, I feel as if we have accomplished a lot. We even got everything off of Frank's desk for Daniel to clean in the morning. In the morning, I checked my e-mail and had a couple of task to do for Sylvia. I also had to make an event folder that Amanda had asked me to do the day before. After I finished that, I made a couple of copies, entered some contacts, and scanned a couple of letters. I helped Edna with the mail after lunch, then started working on this translation cleaning sheet. I haven't finished the excel spreadsheet yet, but I will on Monday. I asked Loren for receipts, he did not have any. As I had mentioned about Frank's desk being cleared off, Sylvia and I had washed some of his items that were on his desk. My day could have gone better.....if I had finished the excel spreadsheet. The reason for that is, I don't like leaving unfinshed work. Well off thill Monday. GoodBye.!


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