
Today was a good day. I came in Ideal and helped Linda on checks so she can hand them out to the employees. It took us most of the morning doing them because she had too much to do. Since my research paper is due on Friday I asked Linda if I could work on it. I was focusing on my paper and had to do 4 to 6 pages, depends on how much we want to write. I took my time but at the same time I helped Linda on scanning, mailing checks and PDPM papers.

Lunch came and Linda and I went to get pizza for the people that were working in the park. We order 4 boxes, and gave them 3, and Linda and I took 1 for us. We went back to Ideal and continued doing my research paper, I took a break and Linda handed me PDPM folders to file. I finished and finally I was done with my paper, later Linda checked my paper and she helped me to correct some mistake. Overall, my day went great.



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