
          Today was a good day at the office. My original computer wasn't working so I used the computer next to Doug and behind Catherine. In the morning Sylvia told me to bind some presentations for a company named PCG. I made one copy first to see if the printer was working. It was working so I made four more copies. Once they were printed out I had to bind them and make them nice. Then I made some thank you letters for the sponsors of Cadillac Urban Gardens. I started with it but I had writers block. I could not think of anything to say so I went to my next task which was to write my experiences on Scarcyny Park. After that Sylvia asked me if I wanted to go out and eat lunch with her and some other co-workers. We went to a restaurant named "Oblivion". They had some really good burgers and I learned that by eating one. We came back to the office and I was given some tasks by Sylvia. I finished those and the rest of my day was occupied by little tasks. This was an awesome day.


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