Chris Lara 1-14-14

Chris Lara 1-14-14
            In the morning, I was intrigued by Jesse’s presence and went to talk to him. He told me the reason he was going to work in the office in Detroit, which gave me an Idea of what he was working on. Then, he explained the importance of Microsoft Office and all the functionalities. I have already experimented with most of Microsoft Office, but I’m not an expert.

            Sylvia shared a document with me that was going to be used for the Supplier Partnership meeting at GM tomorrow. I looked it over and improved a few slides. On the bottom of the screen were notes. I followed the instructions of the notes while taking into consideration why I was changing the slides. I noticed the pictures were blurry because of an effect that was implemented. I knew that the person that worked on this before wanted a white border. But that’s not all of what was happening. I reset the pictures and just added a white border which in return made the pictures more clear and complete.

            After, Sylvia went into a meeting so I took this time to interview Bradley. I knew that this could take some time so I took a piece of paper and a pen to take notes.

            I began by asking him his thoughts about high school and college.

“I’ve always been interested in Fine Arts and Music, so I took those as my majors,” he said.

“What do you like about Ideal, and what do you like about your job?”

“I like Ideal for its strong team co-operation and appreciation of employees. I love speaking to customers because I feel I have a natural experience for it,” he responded.

“Very nice,” I added, “and do you have any hobbies?”

“I am also a singer. I sing for the Detroit Opera. I’ve been singing since I was young.”

I was surprised to hear this interesting fact because I do not know anyone that is in the Detroit Opera. I thanked Bradley for his time, and then I left.

After lunch and the interview, I went to print a flyer for the meeting. I printed this flyer for people to have a greater understanding of what message I’m trying to get across which is getting more corporate volunteers in Cadillac Urban Gardens. Once I finished, I went to Sylvia for revisions. I agreed with her changes because she had a greater idea of what is more beneficial to the people viewing the presentation. Of course she has a larger experience pool of what happens at these meeting, so I followed her with this review.


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