11/3/14 by Richard Zarate

  Today when I got here, I had to sit in Amanda's desk because she wasn't here. I started my day by putting in some contacts for Amanda. There were a lot to do.  I finished around 10:00 am. I asked Alex for some work and she gave me some postcards to send out. They were easy to do. Later Sylvia asked me to look for a bigger envelope to mail out the Ideal interns' presentations. I was able to find a bigger envelope and I made a label and mailed it out.
  After Lunch I started to work on a mailer list that Alex gave me. I also sorted out some mail for Sylvia and shredded some papers too. Jesse came to talk to Sylvia and then he talked to me about taking the ACT and SAT.  I worked until 2:30, because Kelly was going to teach me how to watch after the tank in Frank's office. She taught me how to feed the fish, how to clean the tank, and where to order the supplies. After I finished, I went back to my desk to work on my blog. My day was pretty great.

  What did Jesse talked to me about? Jesse taught me about the importance of taking test. He told me that colleges look after many things. Just by checking the Hispanic box and scoring more then a 18 on the ACT, colleges will look at my score and offer me many scholarships. He wants me to take the test early. He told me that he got a full ride to a college in New York and was offered  scholarships in other colleges. He asked what G.P.A I had and I told him a 3.8, he told me that's even better.
  What is a career fair? A career fair is a great place to gather information about potential employers and make contacts that can lead to your first job. Many companies go to career fairs, you can meet many new people and get new opportunities for your future. There are big corporations in career fairs and you might learn a new thing and maybe know what career you want to pursuit.  


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