A slow day by Richard Zarate

  Today when I got here, I checked my email. Alex didn't leave me any work today, so I did some of the work I didn't get to finish yesterday. Later Amanda gave me a long assignment to work on. I had to get on the Ideal Surplus website, but it took a long time to load. I had to put in some products for the website. Amanda and Sylvia were in a meeting and I was mostly by myself. I work on my task until lunch.
  After lunch, I continued to work on the website, I accidentally hit refresh and I had to start over, but luckily I  saved before lunch and I only had to redo a few products. While I was working, Frank came and introduced me to someone. Later, Sylvia asked me to organize some of Frank's papers. I also unloaded the dishwasher. Today was pretty much a slow and simple day.

  What is one thing I'm grateful for? I'm grateful to have my family. Both my parents helps me a lot in my life. My older sister, Osmara, helps me in school and work. My older brother, Oscar, helps me with social problems and takes me to places. And I'm happy to have my little sister, Ayleen. I love her so much. I'm glad to have everyone of my family members in my life.


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