Mexican Puppet Day 2.5.2015

Jacqueline Perez
January 5, 2015
            I enjoyed coming to work today and working with Amanda and Sylvia. I helped Sylvia out today. Sylvia and I both began talking about Cadillac Urban Gardens and what we are planning for this year. I planned out the Madrina Luncheon, where we get the people that are most involved in the garden together and start planning out what will be done throughout the gardening season. I also contacted Sarah Clark and received some dates that are already scheduled for the garden. I also made folders and filed some things for Sylvia. Before going out to lunch, I learned how to sort out her and Frank’s mail.
            For lunch today I went out with Sylvia to Lupita’s Mexican restaurant. We ate some delicious Mexican food. Sylvia got some chicken soup that makes her feel better whenever she starts to feel sick. After lunch we stopped by a small Mexican novelty shop, which was next door and Sylvia and I chose out some finger puppets to give to Frank. We also talked about what I have been up to and it was nice to catch up with Sylvia.

            When we returned to the office I still had a couple things I had to do. I emailed people back and I began to write a hand written letter to my mentor that lives in California. Overall today was a good day. 


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