5/19/2015 by Richard Zarate

  Today was a pretty good day, I sat where the accounting office used to be. I went to Virginia's desk and got some scans to do. I separated the single sheets and the stapled ones. I scanned the single sheets to myself and then I took out the staple of the ones that were stapled. I scanned those individually to myself. I had to use Osmara's computer to split the scans. After I split the scans, I started to save them to the network. After I saved them to the network, I saved them onto Sugar. After I finished, Osmara gave me some receipts to do for Loren. While I was working, Osmara told me that Amanda wanted to take me out to eat because I was inducted into the National Honor Society. I choose Pupusas, a Salvadorian food, to eat.
  We went to a local restaurant and ate. After lunch, I finished the receipts of Loren, Sylvia asked me to make her a stack of Frank's business cards. After I made another stack, Osmara asked me to help her out with a checking form. I had to make one for Taco Veloz, because they catered the Motor City Makeover and one for my mom, because she made hot chocolate for the event. After I finished, Osmara gave me some Tiger tickets to distribute. After I handed out the tickets, I went to go ask Alex for some work. She gave me a mailer list to do. I worked on the mailer until it was time to go. Today was a great day.

  How do I show leadership skills in school and outside of school. Whenever I need to be a leader in school, I make sure I have a great group. If I have to choose people, I always choose people who are going to listen to me and follow my instructions. When I'm outside of school, I need to make sure that the people I'm with can trust me. I was a leader for the Motor City Makeover on Saturday. I led the street cleanup group. I decided to due the hardest task first because I didn't want my group to be tired and do that one in the end. We cleaned up the backyard of an abandoned house that people dumped trash in. The rest of the tasks were easy and simple. I had a very great group and they listened to me. I felt I did great as being a leader for the first time for a cleanup.


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