Christopher Lara, February 26, 2016
For me, one of the most fun and exciting sport to play is soccer. Don’t be fooled though, I’ve only been playing for half a year, but I enjoy every second I of it. It started when I took the risk of joining the team in the summer of 2015. I didn’t know if I was going to smoothly transition into it, or become the laughing stock of the team, but I tried anyway. During the summer, I started off with defensive role because I wasn’t trained well enough to be a mid-fielder or forward. Because this was a school based team, I got to know many of my unknown classmates and freshman just coming to Detroit Cristo Rey. It might sound cliché, but we bonded and became a family. As the games progressed, I started to ask questions about certain tactics and took notes of how mid and forward players conduct themselves. I was eventually moved up to mid-defensive, which was an upgrade from the solely defensive role. Moving up meant that I had to guide my defense up and down the field, and assi...