Enrique Cordero Thursday 2/11/16

             During these last weeks of the build, for Robotics, I have felt superfluous amounts of excitement, content, accomplishment, and a tad bit of stress. Towards the finalization of our robot I have been very busy with learning Java, the programming language. Learning Java has been very arduous but the concept of it all seems so simple. As for the rest of the team, the programming team has been learning Java and adapting last year’s code to this year’s and waiting on the electrical to test some of the programming. The chassis, manipulator, and the electrical teams have all been working together to have put all three sections together. We, as a team, have been mixing subdivision teams to help one another and work as a whole. Besides completing the robot, I want the team to feel satisfied and accomplished. I just want the team to be happy with the time and work its put into that robot.
            My day was pretty relaxing. In the morning I came and got a mug of coffee. I did all the “PO scans” that were in the scans bin. While I finished up the scans, Sylvia came up to me with a task of helping Frank’s fish tank shine as bright as a star once more. Since the manufacturing company had discontinued the model I found some other solutions. They involved replacing the light fixtures, putting LED’s inside the bottom of the tank, or just testing to see if a new bulb will work. Since lunch came around, I paused to eat. While on my break Alexandra asked if I could do some more of her mailers today. After lunch I finished up my search for solutions to Frank’s tank and did my daily blog. After that was out of the way I read and marked up some of the “Navigating Your financial Future” article I mentioned last week and did as many mailers as I could for Alexandra. Lastly at four, I headed home for my final task of homework.

            Going on to read some more of the article, I was very pleased with the information it gave me. It gave me more information about different loans and credit. I had very much appreciated it because these do heavily impact us later on. Really big thanks go to the author for giving me the awesome advice on how to build & maintain good credit. This information needs to be given to more teens because an enormous amount of teens get credit cards and do not know about good credit and the great risks they take when using one. They also gave me some help advice about what can hurt your credit. So far it has been really well to read and gives a good understanding of what is to come, both in the article and in our future.


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