2/11/16 by Richard Zarate

I started my day like any other by going to Surplus. Right away, I sat down and started working on the Ebay listings. I worked on it and was able to get 3 pages down before lunch. I did a few homework assignments while I ate lunch. I got back to work but ran into a problem. The page wouldn’t load and it took about 30 minutes to load. This was time wasted for the project. I was able to get 2 pages done before I stopped to write my blog. I also had to read another 2 pages of the financial literacy packet. My day was great; the project is coming to an end.

We have the remainder of this week and next week to finish building our robot for robotics. Time has been very crucial lately for us; we need to quickly finish our robot. I’m part of the mechanical team, so I worked on the chassis and manipulator. Currently the chassis is done, so we’re working on the manipulator. Other members are working on electrical and programming as well. We’re going to meet today and hopefully our robot will be running by the end of the day.

Today, I read 2 more pages of the financial literacy packet. I read about credit, what it is and the types of credits. I read about the types of credit and their features such as Credit Cards and Student Loans. It talked about the pros and cons of credit. I read about credit scores. A lower score will be bad because companies are likely not to trust you and you’ll usually have higher interests.  Having a high credit score makes you as a low risk with low interests. It also gave you list on how you can help and hurt your credit score. Your credit history will follow you for the rest of your life.


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