Christian Perales 3-22-16
Christian Perales March 22, 2016 What are Goals and Strategies, How Would I Accomplish One of my Goals? Many people wonder how certain things are accomplished but only dwell on the success, ignoring the work and strategies that go into it. A goal is something that many of us are striving for; it is the thing we all try to accomplish. Many people will say that things are easier said than done, but with strategy, which is a plan, you can accomplish your goals in a shorter time frame and usually with less stress. It is easy to say that there is a lot of work that goes into completing a goal, but that does not mean that the goal is unobtainable. A good strategy for accomplishing a goal would be to break it up into parts. Set multiple deadlines for how much progress you’d like to make by a certain date. As your progress meets your deadlines, it brings you another step closer to accomplishing your goal. As the progress adds up, the distance from you and your goal gets smaller. Anoth...