Enrique Cordero 3/10/16

Today I read pages ten and eleven from the “Navigating Your Financial Future” article and I really like the real world example given. It talked about an average male named Ty and how he should budget given his circumstances-bills and other expenses. Along with this it gave you a template so that you may also budget with Ty. This template will be something I use in the near future because as a college student I would really need to budget everything.  It even goes into further detail by giving you tips on how to shop smart and look for deals on your wants/needs. I found this section really valuable and necessary.    

Today was a pretty casual day for me and I was reminded on how to do put piking sheets into the network. In the morning I was still waking up so I grabbed a cup of Joe and went straight to my email. I had nothing about a specific job I had to do for today, so I went to the scans pile. I saw that we were really backed up on scans so I got started.   I had a question about putting in piking sheets, since I hadn’t done them in a while, so I contacted Alex and she gladly answered my questions. I took my lunch break to relax since this week was vigorous with homework and stress of school life. After lunch I headed back to doing scans. At about two o’clock I helped Alex find a “po” in the immense stack of scans. After that I just did as many picking sheets as I could, did my blog, and headed home for homework.


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