Christopher Lara, March 21, 2016

What is “Goal and Strategy” and what is one of your goals?  What strategies are you using to get that goal accomplished?

            Goal and Strategy is to have a measurable and realistic agenda set out and applying your resources and skills to accomplish that agenda. I’ve learned this certain definition by the tasks assigned to me in the gardens over the summers worked at Ideal. With every job put into the task list, I had to make sure that we could measure the time it would take to complete it, assign people with the skills needed, and referenced our agenda to be sure that we weren’t wasting resources.

            The goal I want to accomplish this summer is to work on my managing my blood sugar and fitness. My blood sugar would be a job that takes several different processes. First, I will have to assign certain eating habits and time frames on when to eat. This is because insulin takes some time to activate and work in your body. Next, I would have to work on self-control and not eat things offered by friends and family. Sometimes there is some juice or random snacks lying around, by I shouldn’t be eating those because they throw off my sugar. Finally, I have to check myself before every meal to have an accurate report to reflect on every so often. It would be useless to only have a mental track of what I’m doing because I might forget or have erroneous data. Working on my fitness might also be a challenge since I’m diabetic. I have to also have certain time frames to work out because burning calories also decreases blood sugar, so I would have to check before and after work-outs to be safe that I am in normal ranges. These goals are measurable because I can set up how often and how long each will take, and they are realistic because many other people my age are doing it. I know I have the resources to begin and continues the goals, so I look forward to this spring since the tasks will be easier in warm weather.


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