Christian Perales

Christian Perales
October 27, 2016

Three Goals I Have Set for Myself

My goal for this month, was to raise my grades to all A's. I was able to accomplish that goal for the most part; although, I had two -A's.
My goal for this school year, is to get an accumulative GPA of a 4.0 on a 4.0 scale, and become the president of NHS.
My goal by the end of my senior year, is to have the highest accumulative GPA and become the Valedictorian of the class of 2018.
In order to accomplish these goals, I need to apply myself and preform my best in all I do. I plan on putting my best in each assignment, because everything adds up and it all leads to an over all outcome. If I am able to focus on my grades and apply myself inside and out of school, I will accomplish my goals.


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