Enrique Cordero 12/2/16

          Today was a smooth day even though my supervisor had to leave for the most of it. When we walked in Osmara asked if I could go help Rachael and I did. For about an hour I was tying little bows on Christmas presents for some co-workers. After this I reported to Sean for some IT work for the day. He gave me a big list of contact information on many of our workers. I was to update people's contact information. A bit later Sean had to leave and I finished updating around lunch time. After lunch, I went to Trevor to get some more work and he gave me enough for two hours. When the clock hit three I did my blog and finished my day. 
          The three things that inspire me right now are my future career, my future life, and being able to contribute to my family later. I am excited for the future because I will be doing what I love and be getting paid extremely well. These inspire because when I am struggling, I endure because of these end goals. 


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