
Showing posts from February, 2017

Angel Jaramillo 2/27/17

My favorite teacher would have to be my chemistry teacher Mr. Bryant because he is very nice to everyone. He is willing to help us on anything we don't understand because he cares. I appreciate having him because my other teachers aren't like him but they're still nice as well.

Enrique Cordero 2/24/17 Senior IT

         Today I arrived a bit later than usual (around 9 am) and it made the day seem to go a lot faster. In the morning, Sean welcomed me and asked about how life was going. After a bit of banter, Sean said that we had a meeting. After the meeting, we went back to the office to discuss what other plans that had to get done and what plans I had for college. Once the college part was finished I was to examine the printer and print out some more objects. After I had decided what to print I cleaned a bit while Sean got lunch. After lunch Sean went on a meeting and I looked after the place until he came back around three thirty. Lastly. I wrote my blog to end the day.           My 2-day break felt more stressful than any other break I have had. I had much homework to do, cabinets to pain, and robotics to focus on. I feel like I got many things done on my break but also opened doors for me to work even more. 

Santino Lopez - 2/24/17

Santino Lopez 9th Grade Shield Department 2/24/17 Super Power If I had a super power, it would be the ability to stop time as long as I wanted. There are so many things you could do while time is stopped, stop a mugging, do your homework before class starts, or pull a big heist. Me, well I'd just take a nap to be honest. There might be some setbacks with it too though. Maybe I could be aging still when time stopped, so when I should be 16, i could actually be 21. So in that case I would have to use the time stop wisely and occasionally. My Day Back after about a week of not being here and it feels like nothing changed since the last time I was here. I mailed Steve's invoices and did his scans throughout the day. There have been some reports of  a tornado today so that's pretty spooky. There will be thunder and lighting guaranteed but the tornado is a maybe.  

Jose Sandoval 2/22/2017

My super power would be to breath under water, because I like to swim and I would like to be around sharks and fish. Also with my super powers I would help clean up the trash and help the fish not get caught in something that could harm them. I would like to go in the ocean and explore it, find out what kind of different fish could be there.

Idalid Hernandez 2-22-17

   A superpower I would like to have is Psychokinesis .  I would like this power because I would be able to do many things . I could be able to move things without physical touching. I think this power will suit me right because I'm lazy at times, so instead of getting up, I can use my mind to get something.  This power might also be cool to trick people.

Idalid Hernandez 2-15-17

   Three fears that I have are insects, losing a love one, & heights. I had a fear on insects for the longest, I never liked how they look like. I would probably get over them if I knew more of them. Losing is a love one is a big fear of my. I know at one point in life, I'm lose someone close to me. Heights are also a fear of my. I do not know why but when I am very high and I look down, it makes me scared. I think I should get use to it if I keep my eyes opened.

Jose Sandoval 2/15/17

Two fears that I have are of heights and losing my mom. I don't know why I am afraid of heights, but every time I go to Cedar Point or I see how high we are I get scared, I am trying to conquer my fear. My other fear is to loose my mom, I only have her right now and with out her I don't know what I would do, I know I would take full responsibility of my sister if I were to loose my mom.

Santino Lopez - 2/13/17

Santino Lopez 9th Grade Shield Department 2/13/17 My Day Today went awfully fast for some reason. I don't know why but the morning just sped past and so did the afternoon. Anyway, today was like any other usual work day, I did scans and invoices. I always finish Steve's work in the morning, then when he runs out of stuff to give me, I just go to Melanie for scans. Three Fears Three fears that I have are a fear of heights, of losing touch with a close friend, and of failing a class. I have no idea how I could overcome my fear of heights. I could probably get up some place high repeatedly and get used to it. I don't know if it would be effective but it would be worth a shot. As for my fear of losing touch with a close friend, I'll just talk to the friend a lot and make sure I check up on them. Finally, for my fear of failing a class, all I need to do is pay attention in class. I'll learn the stuff I'm taught and take down notes and I should...

Enrique Cordero, Senior, IT, 2/13/17

Today in the It department I made a print and helped Sean help move Gary Brothers to his new office space. When I walked in, Sean told me that he forgot I was coming in today. He mainly wanted me to focus on finding a pencil holder that is usable and needed to be printed in the time of my stay. It took me about an hour to find a practical, yet, modern designed holder that could be printed within 6 hours I had left remaining.  Some of the prints I found would take days to print (3d printing is great but the time it takes would be impractical and inefficient for a huge manufacturing company). After I found it, I prepped the printer and set the print in motion. While the printer was going, I decided to keep looking around Thingiverse and see what tickled my fancy. When Lunch came about, Sean brought me some Chili Cheese Fries and mellowed out. For the next portion of the day Sean and I went over to building b to help Mr. Gary Brothers. When we finished, we both came back to talk a...

Santino Lopez 2/10/17

Santino Lopez 9th Grade Shield Department 2/10/17 My Closest Friend If I had to decide who my closest friend is, I would choose Micheal. We've known each other since second grade and have grown to be close friends. We would always do something during recess with our group of friends and would share secrets. I would say he knows more about em than any other of my other friends. His parents made him go to a different high school after middle school so we've been a bit out of touch, but him, Jose, and I still do stuff on the weekends. My Day Ugh, this day was not so swell. The work today felt so mind numbing that I was 99% about to fall asleep. Staring at a computer screen and doing work in office silence kills me honestly. I missed breakfast as well so I was hungry until lunch. I could really use some music to keep me alive through the day. 

Jose Sandoval 2/8/2017

My closest friend is Xavier, we have known each other for years and how we meet was at my cousins house when all of us were playing Call Of Duty and me and Xavier left and we went to play basketball and that's when we started to talk to more and we would hang out a lot. Through out the years that have passed we would stick together and we still do.

Idalid Hernandez 2-8-17

     My closest friend is Zulema. I have known her since 3rd grade. We met because we were both in the same soccer team. Years later we have become closer and I can trust her with anything. We have many great memories and more to come.

Oscar Jimenez 2/7/17

2/7/17 my closest friend is probably my friend Jesus. and not the god Jesus but my friend. we have been best friends since the first grade. when i meet him i mistaken him for my current best friend and was shocked when i realized that he wasn't. he has still remained my best friend since then

Enrique Cordero Senior IT 2/3/17

          I think that I am getting to feel confident on being SOLO in the office without Sean. In the morning, I set up Sunny but he came a bit later with news. He said he went through the email and it had instructions for me to give him his new email. I then proceeded to set him up. When I had come back, Sean had not arrived. I had assumed that he was just running a bit late. After I organized a bit, I called Sean but to no avail. Trevor came while I was calling and he informed me that Sean was not coming in. He then game me some work, scans. I scanned until lunch came around then I chilled out for a bit (lunch). After/during, lunch Joe (C.) came to see me for configuration of his new work phone. After about an hour for everything to move over (Joe literally had thousands of messages to move over (the man is important)), I received a call from Sean to go and set up and new employee's laptop dock and set him up with a new monitor. Lastly, I finished up the last...

Santino Lopez 2/3/17

Santino Lopez 9th Grade Shield Department 2/3/17 My Day I don't know why, but today felt really slow. Maybe because of the silence in accounting, its quietness actually made be sleepy. I stayed awake though and performed my usual routine of mailing invoices and doing Steve's scans. After I got through with his scans in the morning I had to go to Melannie and get work from him, as Steve ran out of stuff to give me. She just gave me some of her scans, which were no biggy. If I Had A Million Dollars If I had a million dollars, I would use it to tear down the burnt down and broken houses next to mine. My dad has always wanted them to be torn down so we could buy the lots and have more room for us. After that I would use it to buy stuff for that area, maybe some toys and stuff for my little brothers to use when they are in the lots. Any remaining money would go to Cristo Rey, because during a lunch with them, Mr. Khory talked about future renovations to the sc...

Idalid Hernandez 2-1-17

  If I were to win one million dollars, I would have to think what am I going to do with all that money. I would save half of it for the future, like college. I would also plan on putting the money on the bank as well. Some of the money I would use to buy some things for myself or my family. But it will be really hard to know what to do with all the money.   

Jose Sandoval 2/1/2017

What I did today was open  boxes with toys for Holy Redeemer and put the name on excel and find how many of them where there. After that I went to go see Steve and I asked him if he had anything for me and he did, what I did was invoices, then I went to ask Trevor if he had anything for me and he gave me scans. Once I was done with the scans, I went with Pat and Osmara, and I printed out some labels and then put them on a folder and alphabetized them.