Enrique Cordero, Senior, IT, 2/13/17

Today in the It department I made a print and helped Sean help move Gary Brothers to his new office space. When I walked in, Sean told me that he forgot I was coming in today. He mainly wanted me to focus on finding a pencil holder that is usable and needed to be printed in the time of my stay. It took me about an hour to find a practical, yet, modern designed holder that could be printed within 6 hours I had left remaining.  Some of the prints I found would take days to print (3d printing is great but the time it takes would be impractical and inefficient for a huge manufacturing company). After I found it, I prepped the printer and set the print in motion. While the printer was going, I decided to keep looking around Thingiverse and see what tickled my fancy. When Lunch came about, Sean brought me some Chili Cheese Fries and mellowed out. For the next portion of the day Sean and I went over to building b to help Mr. Gary Brothers. When we finished, we both came back to talk and bit and so that I finished my blog. After finishing my blog, I cleaned up and waited for the bus.
My three biggest fears would be failing (usually at my entire life), being alone, and working somewhere, where I am unhappy. Failing for me would be either ending up homeless or not being able to support my family. I wanted to succeed so that my future and my family'
s futures would be less of a hassle. I never wanted to be alone because I would have no one to share happiness, success, and be social with. Coming from a low-income family, I have always wanted more for them and I. I know we were just dealt a bad hand but I also believe that I can change were my family will be.


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