Santino Lopez - 2/24/17

Santino Lopez
9th Grade
Shield Department

Super Power
If I had a super power, it would be the ability to stop time as long as I wanted. There are so many things you could do while time is stopped, stop a mugging, do your homework before class starts, or pull a big heist. Me, well I'd just take a nap to be honest. There might be some setbacks with it too though. Maybe I could be aging still when time stopped, so when I should be 16, i could actually be 21. So in that case I would have to use the time stop wisely and occasionally.

My Day
Back after about a week of not being here and it feels like nothing changed since the last time I was here. I mailed Steve's invoices and did his scans throughout the day. There have been some reports of  a tornado today so that's pretty spooky. There will be thunder and lighting guaranteed but the tornado is a maybe.  


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