Alexander Ramirez 04/10/18
Today was fun. In the morning I couldn't do any computer work because my account was disabled so Kala gave a stack of envelopes that needed to be opened and stamped. While I was working, Osmara went up to me and asked if I can let a student shadow me and decided to say "yes". The student greeted me and introduced himself. His name was Sergio and my duty was to show him around the building and introduce him to my supervisors and co workers. After I was done I let him work with me and taught him a few things. I told him what invoices were and what I did. He seemed to understand what I was saying. I gave him a few jobs and that was to search Invoices that needed to be stapled with the checks and I helped him with a few things so he wouldn't mess up. Once me and Sergio were finished Kala told me that we needed to open envelopes and stamp what was inside. I opened the envelopes and he was the one stamping. I told him to look very carefully with the page numbers and what not to stamp. He listened and did a great job. Kala didn't have any more assignments to give us and asked Theresa If she had anything for us and she did. Theresa gave us certified mail receipts from 2016-2018 and we were to find 2017 receipts and scan them but they were not full size sheets so we needed to copy the small receipts onto a regular sheet of paper and scan it. Theresa told us how to do it. I let Sergio pick the job and he wanted to be the one to copy and scan. So my job was to pass him sheets and let him try. I helped remind him how to do the steps. We were done and told Theresa that we were done. Theresa had no more jobs for us so Kala introduced us to Alex who works in marketing area. Alex Told us that we needed to do mailings. All me and Sergio had to do was place stickers onto the envelopes that had addresses of companies that Ideal target for business. Sergio had to go during this assignment but it was okay I had a lot fun. I started to work on the envelopes by myself and only got to finish about 50-60. During that assignment I was called back to accounting because my account had been recovered. Ideal's IT company, Awecomm called to help me go through the steps on how to get my account back. A few minutes later my account came back on and I was ready to do accounting computer work. I took my break and ate. After my break I headed to accounting and Kala gave me an assignment. I was to file all of the paid invoices of Ideal Shield into their cabinets. That assignment took me the rest of the day to do. Overall, today was very exciting and productive!!!
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