Jaquelin Roblero 11/6/2018
Today was a busy day. When I got here Steve gave me invoices to work on, when I finished he gave me scans to take out the staples and when I finished that I gave him back the scans so that he could scan them. Then he gave me scans to check if they had been put into there folder, gave me a stack of papers to cut, and invoices. I statred to work with the imvoices but then he told me to get the papers cut fisrt because they needed them. I finished cutting the papers and then I finished folding the invoices. When I came back from lunch I put the invoices in envelopes and put the scans that he sent me when he scanned the scans into their files. When I finished with those scans I went through the scans that were mixed up and seperated them in two different piles, one which was done and the other that needed to be scanned. Overall, today was a boring but busy day.
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