Eric Perez 2-14-19

Eric Perez 2-14-19
Today was a normal and productive day of work.
I began my day by making some folders for Ideal Shield that are for the people to look at.
Then I went to help Steve to send out some invoices. After when I was finish with the invoices, Osmara came to me and to my classmate Daniel Hernandez, to tell us that they needed help upstairs from us, to set up the event of  "Build your own Valentine!" by putting the stuff on the tables for the people to enjoy. After helping upstairs I came back to my workplace, to finish a mailing list for the southernselfstorege locations in the United States. The two things that I did before doing my blog is mail some postcards of the Rural King locations, and clean Mr. Venegas' shelf and the stuff that were on the shelf.


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