Google Time!

The day when they told I was going to visit Google and the Tigers I couldn't believe it, once they told me I was excited about it. We went to Osmara's house and waited until Linze picked us up. We had a good talk on our way and she told us where we were going to eat and it was a famous restaurant. I had a feeling it would be good! We got there and had different food than I normally do. The guys making sandwiches showed us what they had and choose what we wanted. We got our table and had some good sodas in different flavors, it was cool! We finished eating and Linze bought Jose Perez, Osmara and I  some Italian ice cream which was good. We also had the chance to eat some brownies that were so good!

We got there early and and we had the chance to meet Mike Miller, he looked like a cool and fun guy. He gave us a tour around Google and told us about how it started and what people do, it was fun walking around. The thing that I liked was that they had a chef who made them free food so employees don't have to leave. Then we went to an office and he asked us what questions we had and he told us what he does and how he started, he also show us some pictures of his baby. We head down to see the Tigers, almost every seat was full but we had a special place to sit and it was in the front. First we saw a video from the Tigers and when they came in we stood up and gave High Fives to them which was awesome! They sat down and and started to answer questions about themselves. There were some were funny answers! It was cool to meet the head guy of Google Ann Arbor and it was a great honor to get to know him.

It was a very interesting day for me because they told us so many things and what they did. It was a huge opportunity to experience the Google Ann Arbor office. Now I know what I want to be in the future or to work as an intern at Google when I get to college. I think it would be fun working there and have a great future for me. I felt at the same time special and grateful to be an Ideal Group intern because without them I would never would have gone to Google. From this experience I now have even more goals for my future. It was a day to remember.




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