Google !!!

Knowing we were going on a long trip to Ann Arbor made me think that we were going to a serious place. When they had told me we were going to Google I got excited because I had never been to a such huge corporation before. I was excited and a little bit nervous but I was also very hungry and was happy that Linzie said we were going to lunch. When we arrived to Zingerman's I was a little bit worried because it was not a place I usual eat at but at the end I had a great time and had a huge BLT. After lunch we finally went to Google and we got a tour from Chris and I got to see how people at Google work. It was an awesome experience! They even had their own food and places to hang out and garage doors in the building. At Google we got to see how they worked on computer to communicate with each other and to use web cams instead on email to make things fast. At the end of the tour we went downstairs to go meet the Detroit Tigers! I was excited and I couldn't wait to ask them questions. When they finally came in the crowd went wild and then they asked questions and the responses were funny. Overall that was a great day and I hope to visit Google again soon.

Jose Perez


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