Mykel Bender - October 4, 2012

Today is Thursday October 4, 2012..... Today was the day when monkeys took over Michigan. Me and a few other people at Ideal Group where able to escape from danger. I don't know how this happened but this is a very tragic event. I don't know why I'm blogging right now while all this is going, I see it on movies so I thought this would be a good thing to do.

NAWW!!! Just kidding, everybody here at Ideal Group is ok and so is the state of Michigan! Today went well, did some postcards for "Cat Attack", my marketing supervisor, and also sent out some of the NEW mailers for her. I also went through some magazines and looked for things that Ideal Shield could promote. After that, I made a collage for my blogs and it is AWESOME! Then the system crashed! HOW people could keep working...I have no idea.

But that's the Ideal life.

MB *Best Hooper Ever*


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