Oct 1
This weekend I went to do some community work at Dean Savage Park. I had lots of fun cleaning up the park and making it look better than before. We had pizza for lunch that day and I had never felt more relief to eat in my life. The next day I went to pay my phone bill and watch a movie with my little brother. When Monday came I went to work at Ideal it was a typical day as always I started by having a short talk with Amanda about school and what I did over the weekend. After, I went to go help Setech vouchering some invoices and worked in the marketing office and said hey to Catherine and Doug. I then proceed to my desk and began my work. I vouchered all morning and then had a little break doing the mail but since it was Monday there was a lot to do. After I went to lunch and had a good time doing my homework. When lunch came to an end I went to do the mail again and work on some more stuff for Ideal Setech and that was my day.
Jose Perez
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