
Today was an awesome day. When I got to work it was around 9:00 am. I had walked into Sylvia’s office and greeted her. She had told me that Catherine wanted me to help her on a package. When I went to marketing Catherine wanted me to help her with a media kit for Frank Venegas. So for the next 30 minutes or so we had put together a media kit. The kit consisted of things Frank has planned and things that are happening in the company now. Then when I went to Sylvia she had told me I was going to work on the Time Study sheet she made. Last week I had calculated hours for this sheet but now I’m going to put some formulas in it. This lasted until 12:00 and that’s when I took a lunch break.
            Yesterday I had remembered I work today so I went to the near convenience store and bought myself some chips and a juice. Good thing I did that because when I had lunch I was starving. I ate my lunch very fast so I had some extra time. In this extra time I just thought about what I’m going to do after work. I thought of so many things like sleep!
            After my break I went back to setting up the Time Study. I had some hard problems with the formulas and had to ask Sylvia. Once I asked her what to do she had come to my desk and assisted me. At first I thought that there was some problem with the formulas already there so cleared those out. Then after some hard thinking Sylvia and I realized that I was the problem. I kept missing something important so the sheet didn’t seem right. I had gotten it corrected and finished up. The rest of the day I finished some basic tasks for Ideal.
This was an outstanding day from my perspective.


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