Friday 12/14/12

Today was a very productive day. I started out by saying good morning to Amanda. I, then, went to do the billing, but when I had arrived at my desk Catherine asked me to take a picture for the intern page on our website. I took a few minutes to pose for the camera. After, I went to work on this week’s billing since there have been more invoices then usual I had to start fast. While I was doing my work, Amanda called me to her office and asked me if I could wrap some gift for a family for a few minutes before lunch. I learned about and wrapping gifts .When lunch came I had to eat the school lunch, but it’s better than nothing. I didn’t take too long since I had a lot of work finish. After a few hours passed, I had finally finished the billing, but there is always filing to do at Ideal, so I did that for the rest of the day. Also, on Wednesday I had a very fun day since I got to go to Comerica Park and have lunch with the Tigers. It was a night to remember, especially after all the ice cream I had. Then after the dinner, they gave use a gift card to go shopping at Fairlane Mall and I got a new pair of shoes which is really cool. Overall my day went great and I had lots of fun.

-Jose Perez


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