2~20~13 : Day of Awesome Events

As I ran into Ideal today trying to escape the freezing winter of Michigan I was pleased to go to work at Ideal. This morning I saw Amanda and Sylvia conversing. They were laughing and in a good mood so I was very exultant to see them today. I greeted them as they greeted me. I was now going to start on my productive efforts for the day.
I logged onto my computer and checked my e-mail. As always it was full of items for the entire shield sales. I didn’t take part in any of this so I just disregarded it. Then I stumbled upon a couple e-mails from Sylvia. I was then told by Sylvia to meet with her to discuss some tasks. I was to get in touch with some networking partners, make a couple of community packages, check some components from some mail from Southwest Detroit Environmental Vision (SDEV), and a few other things. With this list I would have the power to continue my industrious day.
I first started on the mail from SDEV and get in touch with my networking partners. I went through the mail and everything looked fine so I continued on. I then marked down the people I haven’t communicated with in a while and sent them some recent news about Ideal and I. Then I went on to gathering all the paperwork for the community packages. The community packages took an extended amount of time because I made three separate bundles. I finished this and it became lunch time.
It was then that Jesse Venegas, business unit manager of Ideal Setech and my godfather, offered me to go to lunch with him. I have always loved hanging out with him so I gladly agreed. I chose a bar and grill food service called Bookie’s. This place has great burgers and fried food. I chose the “All American” burger. It was an excellent cuisine compared to my regular lunch. While we were there I talked to Jesse about several things such as computers and recent activities in the world. I ate like a king and later went back to Ideal.
Jesse and I went back to Ideal and started to work as we were before. Then I started some tasks and went to accounting. As I was there I worked with invoices that Sean gave me. It was a big stack so I got down and began. When I was done I put the finished paperwork away and went back to my old office.
Later on Frank called me into his office and we talked. We were talking about my ham that he recently bought me. It was so good that I was hording it all to myself. We also talked about my recent activities and what he’s been doing. It was nice talking to Frank and I was glad to see him today.
The rest of the day I continued with small tasks and was done with my day. I had an outstanding day at Ideal today.


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