2~6~13 : A Productive Day

In the beginning there was no one in sight, but far in the distance in the ADMIN’s office there was a bright haired woman. It’s Amanda Schmidke! As I walked into Ideal today I saw Amanda at her desk on the phone. I knew she was busy so I went to my desk and logged onto my computer. I checked my e-mails and thus a task was born.
I saw that Sylvia has sent me a few tasks. They were basically to add some contacts to the list and post some dates. So the first thing I did was to update or create some contacts. There were about 8 people and a lot of copying and pasting. I finished these and went onto my e-mail again. Amanda had created a calendar for Cadillac Urban Gardens and me. I logged onto my calendar on g-mail. What this calendar does is pretty much like an agenda online. You can add other people’s calendars so you have their dates so it’s a necessity for any company.
After I had all my contacts together and set up my calendar I was finished. I then asked Amanda if she needed anything but she did not. I then went to Accounting to ask for any short time saving jobs. Sean– as always- had something for me to do. I staple some invoices. Then after that I was to file some papers from major companies. I first put them in alphabetical order and then place them in their own folder. This wasn’t hard and it saves the other accountants about 20 minutes.
After this I went to lunch which I desired for a long time. I had a very late lunch but a delicious on none the less. I went to the 2nd conference room because the first room was occupied. I had a cheese sandwich, juice, chips, and a “Payday”. This lunch was great because I was starving since the morning. I was bored while I ate so I read a magazine. It was about businesses in Detroit. I learned about the new business for the volt charging station. It was a lucrative on education.
After lunch I talked to Ozmara about some of the ways Cadillac Urban Gardens can become more popular. If you don’t know what this Garden is then: Google “Cadillac Urban Gardens”, visit us on Facebook –www.facebook.com/CadillacUrbanGardensOnMerritt, or ask for a flyer. We talked about how we can boost the amount of views and like so we can become more viral.
After that I went to do some basic tasks and left happily. This was a productive day.


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