A great day by Richard Zarate

Today when I got to work, I asked Alex for some scans. When I finished the scans, I went to Amanda, so that she could sign a paper. I helped Sylvia put some stuff in her friend's car. I asked Amanda if I could go upstairs and ask people for some work and she said I could. I asked Bonnie if she needed some help, she assigned me to do some labels and to mail some envelopes. I finished in a hour and took the extra envelopes to Bonnie. Amanda asked me if I could take something upstairs for her, when I went upstairs I met Yesi. I helped Virginia set up the food for the Potluck. After I helped Virginia, I asked Alex for some more work and she gave me some letters to mail out. I did only 5 and then it was time for lunch.
 Today was the Potluck day and the workers brought food. I ate some many different foods that I felt like going to sleep at the end, but I didn't. My favorite desert was the dirt pudding. After lunch I finished mailing out the letters. I helped Osmara and Alex to clean up the conference room and put the food away.

 A person who I know and admire. The person who I admire is my mom.
She's always there for me and makes sure everything is perfect. She talks to me about school, life, and personal things. She's always there when you need her. She's always helping my brother and sister. Yeah I get mad when she takes my Xbox away, but I know that she's doing it for a good reason. She makes sure we are always do our homework. She loves us and she gave us a good life. One day I'll be a good parent as her. This is one of the persons that I admire.


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