Jacqueline Perez- Interview # 3

Jacqueline Perez- December 3, 2013
            It was good coming back to work because I really do like my job but I also like school. I had the privilege to interview Kelly and work with something new. I worked with Theresa today and I’m glad I did because I learned something new. I learned how to update customer tax exempts status and  prepare information.
            For lunch I went to a Mexican restaurant called “Mexican Village” with Amanda, Theresa and Kelly. I got burritos and they were really good. I almost got locked in Amanda’s car and everyone thought it was really funny, including me. For the most part lunch was great today.

            Today, I did my third interview and I interviewed Kelly. I got to learn more about the different jobs she has within the company. I asked Kelly about the jobs she performs and she said that she works in accounts payable for Ideal Setech, shipping and billing for Ideal Shield and is the person that takes care of the fish tank in Frank’s office. I asked, “What is your favorite part about your job?”. Kelly said, “Learning new things as well as the people I work with.”  I also asked Kelly what is the hardest part about her job and she said that it was being away from her son. I asked “For how long have you been working at Ideal?”. Kelly said she has worked here for about five years. Two years in customer service, two years in shipping and a year in Ideal Setech.  I also asked her if she wanted to do something else within the company and Kelly said that she would like to analyze data and help the company save money. My next question was “Would you like to move up in the company?” and Kelly responded that she already has and, hopefully, she will again. Lastly, I asked “What is the best part of her job right now?”. Kelly said that it’s always learning, coming up with new ways the company can save money, and that they value my opinions.


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