Chris Lara 6-10-14

Chris Lara 6-10-14
This year has stood out to me more than the years before. I've been given the opportunity to meet important people in the business industry, evaluate and experiment with sustainable ideas, and work with a caring, productive, and creative company during my internship sponsorship by The Ideal Group.

During the 2013- 2014 internship/ school year, I was able to meet and network with many people who change Detroit, the nation, and even the world. John Bradburn is a clear example of someone who hits these three points directly. He works with General Motors in reducing waste products, and he is also an Environmental Engineer! We have worked together in placing the shipping containers in Cadillac Urban Gardens, and other Detroit located gardens, to produce mass amounts of vegetables for the community. I was able to meet a man who cares for his fellow Detroiters and someone who spreads the message of reducing pollution throughout the world.

I’ve also been able to experiment and collaborate with sustainable ideas with a wide variety of companies and organizations. Southwest Detroit Environmental Vision, SDEV, is a nonprofit partner of the Ideal Group, and a supporter of Merritt Street’s Clean Neighborhood Initiative. I have been, and still am, able to use ways of reusing resources with SDEV to improve life in my Southwest Detroit residency. We’ve done things such as trash sweeps, tire pick-ups, garden improvements and activities, dumpster sponsorships, and other activities that improve the environment. It is a constant honor to work with such a proactive organization.

The main part of my internship was working in Administration with Sylvia, Osmara, and Amanda. I worked in other departments at times, but the office of Administration was the heart of my time at Ideal. I was able to learn and work with Microsoft products, expense reports, the creation of flyers and events, public speaking, and some other crucial characteristics of working in an office. The Ideal Group has pushed me out of my comfort zones to learn new traits and ideas, and I cannot thank them enough. This company really cares for its interns and workers by allowing them to work with new jobs and tasks to expand their work knowledge. The Ideal Group is creating and supporting professional business scholars that the demanding world.

I also look forward to my summer job in The Ideal Group, and in the Merritt Street Gardens. I will be working in the office to better my knowledge of the different parts of the company, and their everyday tasks. Hopefully, I will transition smoothly to the new things I have to do because, if not, I will become an inconvenience. So, with my hopes of transitioning normally, I’m getting more knowledge from my peers who’ve already worked with those departments.

Other than my part in the office, I will be working in Cadillac Urban Gardens, and Scarcyny Park & Garden to better the community involvement, improve Detroit’s health, and to coordinate/ assist any volunteer groups that come to the gardens. Since I am a resident of the Southwest Detroit area, I try my best to improve any need the city is in debt to. Such debts I can help towards are improving the aesthetics of the city, teaching other people the idea of sustainable living, and demolishing any stereotype Detroit seems to be inflicting onto others.

Overall, I’m grateful towards the people, organizations, and companies that have helped me grow towards being a future impact on the world. I strive for future opportunities to help others, and I keep in mind of what I can do to improve and sustain my life, along with the lives of others, every day.


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