Back At School. By Richard Zarate

 Today was the first day of school and I get to go to work. When I got here, I said hi to Andrea, Dennis, and Brad. I updated the mailer list and started doing mailers. When I was doing the list, I notice that some addresses were wrong, so I skip those. I went to go say hi to Amanda and talked to her and she reminded me that I have to do a blog. I went back to my desk and continued my work. At 12:00, I went to lunch. 
  During lunch, I showed Amanda a picture of Ayleen, it was her first day of school. 
After Lunch, I went back to work. I Used Google and Jimmy John's website to help me on my task,another website gave me wrong information, which made me start over. I continued to work for the rest of the day.I'm glad to be back at Ideal Group and getting to work again. Today was a great first day of school.

  What are my three goals for this school year? First, I want to get on the Honor Roll, I want to get into Honor Roll because Christopher and Jackie got on and I want to keep it going. MY second goal, I want to maintain a 3.0 or higher for every quarter, this will be a great accomplishment and it'll make my Mom happy. My third goal is to make some new friends. I want to be friends with some of the new students in the school. These are my goals for this school year.


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