Emma Flores 9/17/14

                                Emma Flores

September17, 2014


            Today at work, I began stapling papers together for the human resource department. After I finished that, I started making labels to put on the envelopes. I also was filing and working on the computer to enter invoice processing for Ideal Setech. It was hard and confusing but I got the hang of it. Kelly was very helpful when I was struggling with vouchering but she explained it very well and easily so it wasn’t that hard to understand.

            When I was done, I was helping Alex in marketing with getting information from places on a website for mailers. I needed to get the address, state, city, and the zip code. I hard to record all the information for Oakland, and Kansas and two others. Lunch was boring because I had nothing to do. I wasn’t hungry so I didn’t eat.  I instead played some card games on my phone.    

            During my break I went to go talk to the lady next door to me. I had to stand up because I knew if I didn’t I would have fallen asleep.  When I finished, I went to the kitchen to go peel my orange.  I went back to my desk to work again. The first thing I did was put the papers I was stapling into envelopes so we can mail it out to the people that use to work in the Ideal Group.  I then filed the invoices I entered earlier in the day.

            It was a busy day but I learned a lot and helped different departments, which was fun.


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