Christian Perales

As a Resident of Southwest Detroit all my life, I have grown up to knowing what people have to say about Detroit. To be honest it's not always the most positive thing, or opinion that is spread around about the city I've grown up in, and continue to grow in. I was always annoyed about the subtle hints people would drop about their disliking of Detroit. Many of their opinions were strongly subjective and only based off of what they wanted to believe. 

Companies like Ideal Group, General Motors, Magna, etc, play a big role in reversing the common opinion about Detroit. These companies have workers who volunteer out of their own time to help make sure Detroit a better and safer place. I had a part in creating a power point with the railroads in Southwest Detroit, and to show the improvement that was made after GM cares week. Though, we did not only look at the railroads in Southwest Detroit, but also a few in Dearborn, and the difference that I saw was not too surprising. I know that if we all stand together, we can make Detroit a better place.

 However, we cannot do it if there are people who continue to believe we can't help the city. Many of the times it is people like that, with negative minds who continue to ruin the beautiful city I have lived in for all my life. It would be amazing for me to know that I was apart of the group who helped get Detroit to where I know it could be, to it's former glory.

When I grow older, I want to take pride in my city, even if I no longer become a resident of Detroit, I will always remember where I came from, and how great the city was and will be. 

Christian Perales,
Detroit Cristo Rey Intern, Class Of 2018. 


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