Christopher Lara September 25, 2015

Ideal Setech 
                Today was my first day working with the Setech department in the Ideal Group. I worked under Jesse, and he began to explain to me his expectations of my education under Setech. He introduced some new topics to me, like writing processes, completing root analysis forms, navigating SSQ, and working with flow charts.            

                After we talked, I took notes on a project he wanted me to work on, which was creating a flow chart. My understanding was that since Setech provides and manages parts in machines in other companies, we needed to know processes to fix and maintain those machines. For that to work properly and efficiently, the worker has to know how to fix or look for the problem in the machine. This is where flow charts help because looking for a certain part, fixing that part, and then preventing that problem to happen again are all tedious tasks people should be able to reference if they forget or do incorrectly.

                An example would be manifested through the flow chart I made today. I made a flow chart with a title, description, purpose, and step by step guide on how to complete said process. It explained how to manage blood sugar levels, which was very easy for me to create. Since it was a task I was familiar with, I was able to show each step of managing my sugar, from checking what’s wrong, why am I taking the medicine, how to take the medicine accurately and responsibly, and how to dispose of the waste. I really enjoyed making this chart because I was able to work on something that foreshadowed what I would be doing with Setech.

                My first day of Ideal Setech was informative to the very end and I appreciated meeting those whom I will be working with like Ted and Jesse. Next week I will be working on something new with Ted, and I can’t wait for that adventure to start.


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