Christopher Lara, October 30, 2015


                It’s my senior year and you can bet that I am going to Homecoming tonight. It’s our time, as the 2016 class, to blow the party through the roof! Today’s game plan is to get out of work, go home and change, arrive at homecoming around 7:30 pm, have fun with friends until 10, and then go somewhere to eat. I’m excited to spend one of my final dances as a senior with my close friends, and have a blast doing it.

                People of other cultures might not know about homecoming, since it is more of an American thing. Basically, one of the school’s sports teams has a game, and then has a dance involving the whole student population to celebrate the efforts put into that game. Usually it an American football game, but since we don’t have a football team, it was our Lady Wolves Volleyball team that was victorious last night!

                Although we will all be having joyous times, I will still be safe and drive home carefully before midnight. This is one of the nights where many irresponsible teens intoxicate themselves and drive all their friends home. Unfortunately, this usually leads to high accident rates because of the poor driving conditions of both the night and the person’s body. I will only be taking my friend, Christian, home because I have some responsibility over him given to me by his parents. If I set the example of being a responsible senior, he will follow as a mature sophomore.

                Overall, our team won the volleyball game, the class of 2016 is happy to be united for one of the last times, and I’m happy to be alive. Go Wolves!


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