Jacqueline Perez - Oct 5, 2015

Jacqueline Perez
October 2, 2015

Stress but successful
The first month of senior year has been very stressful. I have been applying for college, scholarships, and for programs/organizations. Although these things have consumed lots of my time, I still have good grades.
Being busy, means lots of time consumed. I have deadlines for applications and scholarships, so I have to do those in a certain period of time while still having to do my homework everyday. I also have things to do for the programs I’m in, like Campus Ministry I have to set events. In Yearbook, I have to get some spreads done. Being busy has taught me how to time manage and how to complete things in an orderly manner. I do the things that are due on the nearest deadline first. I then move on to things that are easy. I then do the things that are a little more challenging or that require lots of time.

I might have a lot of things on my plate, but I am happy with what I’m accomplishing and I know it’ll help my future.


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